Spring Vote 2021 Wildcard Options

Oratory Analysis (Continue for One Additional Year: 2021-2022)

Note: If this option receives the largest number of votes, the Oratory Analysis wildcard event will be continued for one additional year only (2021-2022). If this occurs, the membership will vote in the spring of 2022 for a new wildcard event to begin the following year.

An Oratory Analysis is a prepared presentation of a historical or contemporary speech which includes an analysis of the purpose, content, and the cultural impact of that speech, demonstrating an understanding of the context, the speaker, and the rhetorical elements that made it great.

To move and educate an audience by showing insights into a historical or contemporary speech by focusing on the original speaker, time period, rhetorical elements, and societal effects of the speech

8 minutes

Children’s Literature

The competitor will choose a selection from a single published work of children's literature and read from the actual text during the speech. A given selection may only be used for one tournament, and may not be used again in subsequent tournaments or during the next competition year. If the book has pictures or illustrations, the competitor may show those images to the audience during the speech as the story progresses.

To understand the values and techniques inherent in presenting children's literature for the education and enjoyment of the audience. Learn vocal variety skills (expression, cadence, and prosody).

8 minutes

Thematic Interpretation

The competitor will choose selections from two or more published literary works related to one theme. They may be from the same or different author(s). The selections may come from a variety of literary genres, and may incorporate a mixture of moods or tones. Competitors may employ creative speech structures and write their own transitions. Use of a presentation binder is required; the binder may also be used as a prop during the speech.

Identifying a common theme in multiple selections and weaving them together to create a cohesive presentation of literary ideas with a compelling delivery that is relevant to the audience.

8 minutes